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Tag: dystopian

Flash Fiction #1: the Dark Side

Flash Fiction #1: the Dark Side

“Dystopian … Ah yes, the dark side of science fiction.” (anonymous comment)

I like writing dystopian stories. As they say, “a candle shines brightest in the darkness.” In a dark, daunting, and dystopian setting, the actions of the few who refuse to be cowed into submission become truly heroic.

For example, there’s no super-powers involved. No special abilities. In a dystopian world, heroes are ordinary people, called upon to accomplish extraordinary things.

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Flash Fiction #3: Fear the Harvest

Flash Fiction #3: Fear the Harvest

Heavy rain slashed at Aubrey as she paused to take her bearings. She pulled the hood of her sodden jacket forward, shielding her face from the relentless downpour.

Of courseit’s raining. She smiled grimly, taking an odd solace in the bitter thought. Her shoulder still stung from the cuts she’d endured after squeezing through a barbed-wire fence.

A rainstorm is the perfect soundtrack to my Day From Hell.

There was no betraying sign of a Tracker, but that didn’t mean one of the soul-less killers wasn’t waiting just around the next corner. The City’s sprawling ruins offered a multitude of hiding places. Aubrey studied the broken-paned apartment across the street. She half-expected to spot the deadly glimmer of a Tracker’s scanning eye, staring hungrily down at her, but the windows were empty.

Like eye sockets in a skull. She grimaced, cursing her over-active imagination. Her hand moved to her abdomen, and she glanced down. Fear and loathing competed within her. I’ve got an Implant. The Hoarders

It still seemed unreal. Why her? She caught herself and looked around in wide-eyed panic. Pay attention, Aubs! Don’t let your guard down!

She made a decision, stepping away from the crumbling tenement’s dubious shelter. Keep moving. She mentally repeated Sarah’s adamant advice. Don’t stand out from the crowd. Hidden in plain sight.

Water splashed over her feet as she crossed the desolate intersection, the traffic lights hanging dark and lifeless above her. She must find the other Runners — her life really did depend on it.

Keep moving. She sloshed through the ankle-deep puddles, ignoring her soggy footwear. Hidden in plain sight

Tracker (Book 1) available at:

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the Runner

Diagnosis: Implant
Flash Fiction #1: The Runner

Flash Fiction #1: The Runner

Amos was running long before he knew he was a Runner. The trauma from his twelfth year drove him, stalking his dreams, corroding his waking hours.

He did his best to control it, to put a clamp on the accusing inner voice, to block out the recurring nightmares.

Over time, he’d learned how to cope, to carve out a semblance of normalcy in the chaotic world they’d inherited after the Hoarders abandoned them.

Until the day it was confirmed by Doc Simon: the hated Hoarders had buried an Implant in his body — somewhere. And now he was fully a Runner, a human time bomb, and a threat to anyone close to him if his Implant activated.

And he was also a target for the subhuman Trackers. The blood-thirsty creatures would stop at nothing until they’d gutted him for the microtechnology hidden in his body.

So Amos did what any Runner would do.

He ran …

Tracker (Book 1) vailable at:

All links via Books2Read

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Diagnosis: Implant

Fear the Harvest
Prequel to the Tracker Trilogy: Rubicon

Prequel to the Tracker Trilogy: Rubicon

In the not-so-distant future . . .

The Enclave’s walls are impenetrable, insulating society’s richest — the Hoarders — inside their protective barriers. Outside, the majority of humanity is left to survive as best they can.

Two generations later, the Hoarders began kidnapping and experimenting on those outside their walls. The Implants — micro-technology surgically forced on their unwitting victims — convert ordinary people into lethal time bombs waiting to activate.

Thomas and Sarah are on the run, narrowly eluding the Trackers, the sub-human killing machines programmed and deployed by the Hoarders to exterminate anyone with an Implant.

The young couple’s instinct for survival is second only to their determination to save their friends, victims of the Implants, from certain annihilation.

This isn’t what their first year of marriage was supposed to look like.

And the Trackers are closing in.