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Tag: scifi

Breaking Out of the Genre Straitjacket

Breaking Out of the Genre Straitjacket

At times, it feels like someone has a gun pointed at your head.

“Choose a genre. Sci-fi. Dystopia. Supernatural thriller—it doesn’t matter. Just pick one. But then don’t you ever step outside the prescribed tropes. Or your writing career’s gonna be in the toilet, capisce?”

As an author working on a couple of future releases which I’d describe as “supernatural thrillers set on another world,” I chafe at the implied genre constraints.

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Prequel to the Tracker Trilogy: Rubicon

Prequel to the Tracker Trilogy: Rubicon

In the not-so-distant future . . .

The Enclave’s walls are impenetrable, insulating society’s richest — the Hoarders — inside their protective barriers. Outside, the majority of humanity is left to survive as best they can.

Two generations later, the Hoarders began kidnapping and experimenting on those outside their walls. The Implants — micro-technology surgically forced on their unwitting victims — convert ordinary people into lethal time bombs waiting to activate.

Thomas and Sarah are on the run, narrowly eluding the Trackers, the sub-human killing machines programmed and deployed by the Hoarders to exterminate anyone with an Implant.

The young couple’s instinct for survival is second only to their determination to save their friends, victims of the Implants, from certain annihilation.

This isn’t what their first year of marriage was supposed to look like.

And the Trackers are closing in.