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Tag: Tracker Trilogy

Tracker Trilogy: The Circle is Complete

Tracker Trilogy: The Circle is Complete

“An imaginative world, an array of diverse, well-rounded characters, and a pleasantly unpredictable plot.”


“A fresh take on the dystopian genre.”
“Nightmares—I loved this book.”


“Deeper, darker, and even better than the first one.”
“Hang on, it’s a wild ride!”


“Great suspense and action. Wonderful world-building.”
“Kane keeps you guessing—a satisfying conclusion!”

Earth’s Fate Hangs in the Balance: Scorpion (T3) Launches

Earth’s Fate Hangs in the Balance: Scorpion (T3) Launches

“Great suspense and action. Wonderful world-building.”

“Get comfortable—with plenty of drinks and snacks—as you enjoy this page-turning, thrill-a-minute story.”

“Kane keeps you guessing. A satisfying conclusion!”

Abstract (aka “Back Cover Blurb”)

The countdown has begun. Amos Morgan, Aubrey Carter, and the Runners have only days—or less—before the Enclave’s rulers unleash an army of Trackers.

Life inside the Enclave is fast deteriorating, manipulated by the shadowy Givers and their power-hungry Hoarder accomplices.

The Dissidents—Mateo and Megan—may be the key. But whose side are they on?

One last, desperate option remains: dance with the Scorpion.

Scorpion (Tracker Book 3)

available at:

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Flash Fiction #3: Scorpion’s Sting

Flash Fiction #3: Scorpion’s Sting

“How long will that hold if the Trackers find us?”

Aubrey Carter cast a dubious eye on the trapdoor at the top of the stairs, dreading the answer.

Sheila and Garr exchanged glances. The Colonel gave Aubrey a rueful grin. “How long does it take to unwrap a Christmas present?”

“It’s only meant to be camouflage,” Sheila said. “It was never intended as a barricade.”

Aubrey drew a shaky breath. She’d expected their response, but having her suspicions confirmed was still unsettling. “Thanks for a straight answer.”

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Flash Fiction #1: Tracker Ambush

Flash Fiction #1: Tracker Ambush

Amos Morgan stumbled, almost losing his footing on the sidewalk’s cracked and uneven surface. His shoulder connected with bruising force against the brick wall of an abandoned tenement, wringing an involuntary gasp from his lungs.

He regained his balance and leaned against the rough bricks, hands on his knees, catching his breath.

The full moon painted the City’s deserted streets with an eerie phosphorescence. Amos strained to listen above his heavy panting. He held his breath, reducing the noise to a pounding heartbeat in his ears.

Nothing. If Trackers were closing in, they were in stealth mode.

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Flash Fiction #2: Unwilling Assassin

Flash Fiction #2: Unwilling Assassin

“Conversion” refers to the complex surgical procedure by which a human being is transformed into a Tracker. The surgery is exceptionally risky — the melding of flesh and alien technology is fraught with complications.

The physiological changes are extensive and cannot be reversed. Statistically, this rarely results in a botched conversion.

Few doctors are qualified (or willing) to attempt the surgery. Fewer still are willing to go “on the record” when questioned by the Infomedia. Rumors of failed Tracker surgeries continue to cast a shadow over the Enclave’s elite medical facility. The ruling Council, citing Enclave Security, routinely labels these reports “unsubstantiated,” “classified,” and subject to vigorous Non-Disclosure Agreements.

Which leads to the proverbial “elephant in the room” question:

When a Tracker conversion fails, what becomes of the patient?

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Betrayal: the Silent Dagger (Scorpion Flash Fiction Preview)

Betrayal: the Silent Dagger (Scorpion Flash Fiction Preview)

Councilor Harlan Sterne gazed out the conference room window, admiring his panoramic view of the Enclave’s prosperous city center.

He lounged in his high-backed leather chair, a satisfied half-smile playing across his lips. Here, in the Citadel—the seat of all power inside the Enclave—the anticipation of his imminent triumph was heady, intoxicating.

Everything was unfolding just as he’d anticipated. No, more than anticipated—planned, orchestrated, set in motion with the strategic cunning of a chess master.

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